Recent Changes/Bug Reports
Version 11.6 (1/8/2025)
- New: Plus-2 pairings for team tournaments can now be set to plus-2, minus-2, or both.
- New: More flexibility in the pair chart for adjusting round robin pairings.
- When pairing, ignoring a notification of editing errors canceled pairings instead of ignoring the issue.
Version 11.59 (12/4/2024)
- Added a feature to clear player ratings.
- Pairing fixed-roster teams by game points rather than match points was broken.
Version 11.58 (11/4/2024)
- Fide-Only version did not force Fide default mode as it should.
- Name format for club list imports made more consistent.
- Browse button added to tournament setup dialog.
- Rating formula choice was getting reset to the default under certain conditions.
Version 11.57 (10/24/2024)
- NACH report listed round robin pairings based on current Crenshaw table setting, not the one actually used.
- Set typical USCF tiebreaks was opting for median rather than the preferred modified median.
- Creation of FIDE rating report could generate improper WDL characters when rating games flagged originally as
- too fast to rate.
Version 11.56 (10/1/2024)
- Player titles made alphabetical listings out of order.
- Original colors of forfeited games now encoded with the file.
- Setting typical USCF tiebreaks loaded incorrect tiebreak strings.
Version 11.55 (9/9/2024)
- Added player titles to Events page reports.
- Option to display class in standings report was disabled.
- Renumbering boards in the pair chart would skip a board if black player had a reserved board.
Version 11.54 (8/21/2024)
- New: Support for all the expanded FIDE tiebreak systems.
- New: Ability to display prizes for all sections at once.
- Fewer restrictions now on characters that can be used in section names and tournament titles.
- imports tweaked to allow for blank lines and misplaced tiebreak columns.
- Board numbers for forced pairings in the pairings setup dialog were reset when AutoSave was turned on..
- Added bye message to NAChess report.
Version 11.53 (5/23/2024)
- Club list was not importing birthdate.
- Support added for different Windows taskbar locations to avoid small main window.
Version 11.52 (4/2/2024)
- Zebra striping option added for the screen view of wall chart and standings.
- Multi-view pairings board numbers were not being refreshed consistently.
- Html table width setting of Auto was not being remembered.
- On some systems the Save As selection did not present a save dialog.
Version 11.51 (3/14/2024)
- Forced pairings and byes selected in the pairings setup dialog were getting cleared.
Version 11.5 (3/7/2024)
- Warnings provided when saving files to OneDrive or DropBox.
- Added a check on corrupted data that caused a range check error upon startup.
- Fixed-roster pairings sometimes changed from the initial pairings when seating players by table.
- Fixed-roster columns would not stay hidden when requested.
Version 11.49 (2/1/2024)
- When registering players one-at-a-time from a custom database, zero-point byes were not being imported.
- Move player dialog not sorted alphabetically.
- Initial directory set more logically for file open operations.
- New feature: User-set labeling for Age/Grade column.
Version 11.48 (1/1/2024)
- Accelerated pairings were not removing byes before setting pairing groups.
- Saving immediately after deleting a player caused the deletion to be forgotten.
- Fixed problem with modal window sometimes disappearing behind another window.
- New feature: Added straight median tiebreak and revised default USCF tiebreaks.
- New feature: Allow merging between rounds.
Version 11.47 (11/25/2023)
- Berger round robin table setting was getting reset to Crenshaw.
- NACH web report creator was omitting prizes.
- Added feature to allow for adjusting the screen height when maximized.
Version 11.46 (11/13/2023)
- Important fix for double-blitz style: Blitz results entered in double-entry mode were not updating the player scores immediately.
- Database was not automatically initialized upon a call to import players from a text list of ID numbers.
- Exporting to html with CSS was ignoring the font size if auto-sizing of the table was not selected.
Version 11.45 (11/3/2023)
- Fixed two tiebreak order issues for the Events page.
- Charts are now updated immediately after using the roster to make changes.
- Task launcher could freeze if long filenames were the same when abbreviated.
Version 11.44 (10/21/2023)
- Tweak for board order so that higher rated players are not moved down.
- Fixed form size issue for pair chart.
- Original tournament title was not retained when importing a section from another tournament.
- Fixed-roster web reports were skipping the individual listing when created in team mode.
Version 11.43 (8/10/23)
- Alphabetical pairings for blitz style were not showing board numbers.
- Forfeited results in blitz style DoubleEntryMode were not displayed correctly.
Version 11.42 (7/15/2023)
- Automatic backup saves were mistakenly flagging the tournament as officially saved.
- Fix for NACH reporting of double round robins. [Check on IsBergerRoundRobin resets
- Dump to Excel was greyed out until first round pairings were made.
Version 11.41 (6/28/2023)
- Reserve byes were not being reset under FIDE pairings, which could cause pairings to abort. (Versions 11.36-
- 11.4).
- Uploads of SwissSys files to NACH corrected.
Version 11.4 (6/25/2023)
- Back by popular demand: Enter both results in double-blitz style with a single click.
- NACH hub improvement: Upload SwissSys file with the report.
- In rounds not yet played, standings were not showing "H" for reserved half point byes.
- Renaming sections from the Tournament Setup dialog changed the display but not the listing in memory.
- Overriding the FIDE accelerated pairings rule was being ignored.
Version 11.36 (5/28/2023)
- Renaming from the Tournament Setup dialog could rename the wrong section.
- Range check error when opening the program with 6 tiebreaks set.
- Two fixes for uploads to the NACH hub.
- After a double forfeit the "Delete All" option was only deleting the first player listed.
- Reload of player info from Tinker dialog was not updating blank expiration dates.
- Deleting players before the start of the tournament caused a range check error.
Version 11.35 (5/15/2023)
- Important: Load of settings failed if the maximums of 6 tiebreak choices was set.
- USCF rating report in standings order was listing forfeited opponents incorrectly.
- Player place in the standings was incorrectly indexed for the NACH report.
Version 11.34 (5/1/2023)
- Fix for reading ChessHub files in version 10 format.
Version 11.33 (4/24/2023)
- Contact information updated with change to new SwissSys host.
Version 11.32 (4/17/2023)
- Pairing logic could fail if one of the sections was not legally pairable.
- Improved flow with default folder option - Choice of last-used or current tournament folder.
- Including pairing information with emails did not list the board numbers.
- Support added for DGT format of PGN game headers.
Version 11.31 (11/22/2023)
- Added check on name length for Fide pairings.
- Updating ratings from custom databases failed if a player had no ID number.
- Save backups every time pairings are made.
- Important: Fix for "Access Error" when switching sections in pair chart.
Version 11.3 (3/5/2023)
- *Important fix for fixed-roster events: Switching teams in the pair chart was not updating the individual opponents.
- The reported count of available players was off.
Version 11.27 (2/17/2023)
- Duplicating a player after the tournament has begun could insert them into the new pair chart mistakenly.
- Using the undo menu after a change to a fixed-roster result in the Results Editor mixed up teams and players in
- the wall chart.
- Updating player data from database failed to update some data.
Version 11.26 (2/1/2023)
- Cancelling a registration could lead to other players being duplicated.
Version 11.25 (1/29/2023)
- Mixing round robin and Swiss could lead to failure to exit a section.
- Timing and memory overwrite issue: Now backups are no longer saved automatically after certain operations.
- Improved check on duplicate players when loading a club list.
- Individual-team ratings were listed incorrectly on the Events page.
Version 11.24 (1/17/2023)
- Titles are now case insensitive for ranking purposes.
- Combined view now can combine sections despite presence of unfinished rounds.
- Bucholtz Cut tiebreaks were not compensating correctly for unplayed games.
- Range error withdrawing players when the option to clear reserved byes was disabled.
Version 11.23 (12/18/2022)
- Loading from USCF database might alter the class indication.
- Naming of sections after cloning a tournament was not consistent.
- Exporting pair chart to html was not saving text with expected utf-8 encoding.
- Refreshing the combined sections view was appending players rather than overwriting.
- Cloning a tournament and clearing old players could give an access error when switching sections.
- Club lists were being expanded unnecessarily when they were updated.
- Events page: Master List omitted some fields.
Version 11.22 (11/26/2022)
- New feature: Option to save to older .tmt file with all sections saved at once for backwards compatibility.
- New feature: Check on provisional rating added for Update Ratings from Database command.
- Editing of Registration list did not pull up the selected players or duplicated the player.
- Alphabetical pairings for round robins could fail for a round with an odd number of players.
- Cancellation of tiebreak changes was being ignored.
Version 11.21 (11/10/2-22)
- Problem reading archived files from version 6 and older.
- Writing to dtf with round-by-round results included was truncating the final result character.
- The flag to mark pre-merge sections as non FIDE-rateable was missing.
Version 11.2 (10/27/2022)
- Reload of provisional ratings listed a "p" that was flagged as an invalid rating.
- Quebec numeric format and ANSI-formatted names caused FIDE pairings to abort.
- New Features:
- Added edit capability to the Tournament-at-a-Glance dialog.
- Option to use ID2 and Rating2 in rating reports.
- Option to include the Rating2 in the standings listing.
- Improved naming convention for backup files.
- Fixed-roster board orders are now updated automatically when a new player is added.
- Added contact information to prize reports.
Version 11.18 (10/12/2022)
- Head-to-head tiebreak was off for round robins.
- Team pairings for current section did not list board numbers.
Version 11.17 (10/6/2022)
- Option to toggle backup saving was getting reset automatically.
- Reading version 10 format files did not load all teams.
Version 11.16 (9/28/2022)
- Rating formula was not being remembered.
- Ratings not updated immediately after a rating formula change.
- Rating ranges added to prize setup printout.
- Toggling team-based mode was broken in version 11.15.
Version 11.15 (9/25/2022)
- Pair chart flagged some players as having byes incorrectly.
- Class trophy prizes were listed twice.
- More helpful error messages.
- Automatic backups saved only from the main view.
Version 11.13 (9/19/2022)
- More helpful error when attempting to use an out-of-date database index file.
- Changing round robin to Swiss format was not clearing board assignments.
- Ladder rankings were not saved to new file format properly.
Version 11.12 (9/1/2022)
- New feature: FTP uploads
- Merges needed a check on duplicate section names and updating of user-set merged file names.
Version 11.11 (8/26/2022)
- USCF Rating report for blitz style was not doubling the number of rounds.
- Spaced round robin blitz format could cause range check error and fail to pair.
Version 11.1 (8/17/2022)
- Important: In FIDE mode, a second full point bye could be assigned after a reload of the file.
- Web report could omit columns if the current section didn't need them.
Version 10.52 (11/26/2022)
- Output for Events page uploads was listing player handles twice.
Version 10.51 (6/16/2022)
- Norms adjusted so that FM and WFM titled opponents counted towards the minimum required.
- Events page prize listings incorrect in some sections.
Version 10.5 (6/6/2022)
- Support for revised Events page uploads.
- Allow read of fixed-roster club to import to the current section.
- Prize distribution bug with Irregular class prizes.
- Allow blank column headers in Excel databases.
- Rarely, modified random pairings could give a rematch.
- Task Launcher was sometimes not showing in the foreground.